Welcome to the Feeding Missouri’s new web site!  Our hope is that this site becomes a useful tool to inform Missourians about the issue of hunger and how it impacts so many of our neighbors.  We will provide statistics, but more than that, we will offer ways that you can help do something about it.

On this site, you’ll learn more about the safety net in place, where you can access it if necessary, and what additional steps need to be taken to make sure that no Missourian goes hungry.

You will learn more about the important role Missouri food banks play in addressing hunger.  For example, did you know that there are six food banks in Missouri that partner with over 1,500 pantries, shelters, and kitchens in every Missouri county?  Did you know that those six food banks distributed over 90 million lbs. of food in 2011?

Hunger is very real in Missouri, but we can do something about it.  With your help, we can begin to educate and address this problem.  Check back often and we welcome your feedback!